The rise of Internet exchange points: January 2024 statistics

The Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) are essential for the proper functioning and efficiency of the global network. They serve as strategic cores where various Internet Service Providers (ISPs) interconnect their networks to exchange traffic, thus optimizing the speed and quality of internet service. A higher number of IXPs in a country indicates a more developed and robust internet infrastructure, capable of producing and handling large volumes of domestic bandwidth. Let’s see how different countries are advancing in this crucial aspect.

Global Growth of IXPs: The Top 10 Countries
Recent data from the beginning of 2024 highlights the growth and importance of IXPs in different nations. Let’s take a look at the top 10 countries leading this advancement:

– The United States leads with 122 IXPs, showing an increase of 2 IXPs and a staggering 56% growth in the production of domestic bandwidth, reaching 8.7T.
– South Africa, with a 17% growth in the number of IXPs, has achieved a 45% increase in its production of bandwidth, reaching 3.9T.
– India expanded its network with 2 new IXPs, totaling 24, and experienced a 19% growth in bandwidth production, reaching 2.81T.
– The Netherlands maintains its 15 IXPs and has seen a 30% increase in bandwidth production, reaching 1.58T.
– The United Kingdom, also with 15 IXPs, has experienced an impressive 67% growth in bandwidth production, reaching 1.22T.
– Germany continues to maintain its 27 IXPs, with a 53% increase in broadband production, reaching 1.16T.
– Italy, with no changes in the number of IXPs, has seen a 44% increase in production, reaching 751G.
– Greece also maintains its 4 IXPs but has experienced a 42% growth in bandwidth production, reaching 713G.
– Australia, maintaining its 28 IXPs, leads in terms of percentage growth with an impressive 73%, reaching 641G of produced bandwidth.
– Romania, with no changes in the number of IXPs, has increased its bandwidth production by 25%, reaching 582G.

This landscape demonstrates how, in different parts of the world, significant efforts are being made to improve internet infrastructure through the increase and optimization of IXPs.

The Mission of PCH
Packet Clearing House (PCH) is a leading organization in the construction and support of IXPs. For over thirty years, PCH has contributed to the construction of over half of the world’s IXPs, offering equipment, training, and continuous support. Additionally, PCH manages the global directory of IXPs and publishes statistics on their usage and growth, thus reinforcing the global digital backbone through these crucial interconnection points.

Meaning for the Future of Internet
The strengthening and growth of IXPs are crucial to ensuring faster, more efficient, and equitable internet access worldwide. As more countries invest in this crucial infrastructure, we can expect significant improvements in bandwidth capacity, reduced latency, and overall a more satisfying internet experience for users and businesses alike.

The global expansion of IXPs reflects not only an improvement in the network infrastructure of each country but also a step towards a more solid and resilient global connectivity. This growth is a testament to the critical importance of IXPs in the digital age and their indispensable role in shaping the future of global communication.

Data for Packet Clearing House (PCH) statistics.

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