T-Systems announces its Digital Twin solution based on NVIDIA Omniverse

T-Systems International has added NVIDIA Omniverse to its service portfolio, an advanced platform for creating complex 3D connections and subsea applications, operating under the Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD) framework to enhance digitalization in the industrial sector. Thanks to Omniverse, companies can integrate their 3D tools and data using the OpenUSD standard, facilitating remote collaboration through visualizations and photorealistic simulations of elements such as production lines and industrial infrastructures.

T-Systems will be responsible for migrating and managing the European cloud platform, ensuring security and sovereignty for those clients interested in implementing Omniverse, a solution that has already been adopted by a leading German automotive manufacturer.

By making Omniverse available to its clients in the manufacturing and automotive sectors, T-Systems aims to support them in accelerating their innovation models, optimizing the efficiency of their planning processes, minimizing costly errors, and breaking down the barriers that hinder a rapid transition to industrial digitalization.

By connecting various CAD tools and data to NVIDIA Omniverse, using a unified data channel and based on USD standards, manufacturers have the ability to create exact digital replicas of their facilities. This allows multidisciplinary and geographically distributed teams to collaborate in real time, simulating installations and production processes efficiently, economically, and sustainably.

The use of digital twins and connecting teams in this way can generate transformative results in areas such as product development, safety and quality testing, as well as staff training, among many other possibilities. Deutsche Telekom’s division of digitalization services for businesses and public administration will also provide consulting, DevOps, and data intelligence services.

“Offering NVIDIA Omniverse through T-Systems will enable digitalization, innovation, and sustainability,” explains Adel Al-Saleh, CEO of T-Systems and member of the Board of Management of Deutsche Telekom. “The offering of secure and sovereign cloud platforms by T-Systems is a major step for the European industry and for our clients to make full use of Omniverse.”

“Simulation and digital twins bring endless opportunities to the industrial manufacturing sector,” says Markus Hacker, Regional Director Enterprise Business, DACH, at NVIDIA. “The offering of NVIDIA Omniverse by T-Systems will help manufacturers accelerate their path to digitalization.”

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