Preparation Before a Meeting: the Key to Making a Good Impression

Every day, in offices and video calls around the world, meetings are held that, in many cases, could be much more productive if there were a minimum of prior preparation. Ricardo Tayar, founder and CEO of Flat 101, has shared a simple yet fundamental piece of advice: don’t show up to a meeting without knowing who you’ll be sitting with.

Although it may seem obvious, the truth is that it still happens more often than one might think. Attending a meeting without understanding the activities, projects, or context of the company you’re going to discuss not only conveys a lack of professionalism but also disinterest. In contrast, being well-prepared can make a difference and help ensure that the meeting has a real impact.

Tayar recommends three basic steps that any professional should keep in mind:

1️⃣ Visit the company’s website. Spending a few minutes exploring the official page allows you to understand what they do, their lines of business, the projects they are working on, or the areas they wish to enhance. Most companies have detailed sections about their activities, success stories, and news, information that can become an excellent starting point for the conversation.

2️⃣ Check Google News. Looking for recent news about the company can provide relevant information about strategic changes, agreements, expansions, or the launch of new products. Staying updated not only shows genuine interest but also helps break the ice during the meeting.

3️⃣ Review their social media profiles. The company’s page on LinkedIn, as well as their accounts on Instagram or X, gives clues about how the company communicates, what its values are, and what topics are currently being discussed. This step helps you understand the tone they use and better grasp how they position themselves within their community.

According to Tayar, “something as simple as this prior preparation conveys sincere interest and is an invaluable asset in any meeting”. It’s not just about impressing people but facilitating a deeper and more productive dialogue.

In an increasingly competitive environment, where meetings take up a large part of working hours, the difference between a pointless meeting and a valuable one lies in the level of preparation of the participants. It’s not just about gathering for the sake of gathering, but doing so with purpose and knowledge. And that undoubtedly starts with being informed before sitting down at the table.

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