Increase in R&D Investment in Spain: Companies and Universities at the Forefront

In recent years, Spain has increased its investment in Research and Development (R&D), although it still lags behind the average of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the European Union. This is revealed in Chapter 3 of the CYD 2023 Report, by the CYD Foundation, which analyzes the situation of R&D in Spain and highlights the crucial role of universities in scientific production.

According to the report, companies and non-profit private institutions are the main drivers of investment in R&D, while universities, especially public ones, lead scientific production and have the highest number of researchers.

Trends and Figures of R&D in Spain

Between 2019 and 2022, R&D in Spain has shown a positive trend in terms of quality and international cooperation, although its leadership position has decreased. The report highlights a significant increase in R&D investment, rising from 1.19% of GDP in 2016 to 1.43% in 2021. In 2021, R&D expenditure reached 17.249 billion euros, a 9.4% increase compared to the previous year.

Main Investors in R&D

Companies and non-profit private institutions are the main sources of investment in R&D, representing 56.2% of total expenditure. In contrast, higher education and public administration have reduced their participation, at 26.6% and 16.91% respectively. The internal R&D expenditure of companies was almost 9.696 billion euros, while institutions of higher education invested 4.586 billion euros, and public administrations 2.910 billion euros.

International Comparison

Despite the increase in investment, Spain still lags behind other countries. In 2021, the average investment in R&D in the EU was 2.15% of GDP and in the OECD 2.71%, while Spain only allocated 1.43%.

Regional Disparities

R&D expenditure varies significantly among Spanish regions. In 2021, the Basque Country led with 2.32% of GDP dedicated to R&D, followed by Madrid (1.93%), Catalonia (1.78%), and Castilla y León (1.37%). In the field of higher education, the Valencia Region (0.50%), Andalusia (0.48%), and Murcia (0.46%) exceeded the national average of 0.38%.

Scientific Production and Research Quality

During 2022, Spain increased by 14.68% the number of scientific papers published, reaching 120,614 documents. This keeps Spain in the 12th position in scientific production worldwide. However, the percentage of scientific production with high participation and international recognition by Spanish researchers has decreased.

Universities with the Greatest Impact

Between 2019 and 2022, universities have been the main generators of scientific knowledge in Spain, participating in 77.5% of published works. The University of Barcelona stands out as the leading Spanish university in scientific production, ranking 117th globally. It is followed by Complutense University of Madrid and the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Impact of Scientific Production

In terms of impact, the University of Barcelona and the University of Navarra top the ranking with weighted citation indices of 1.63 and 1.62 respectively. The Polytechnic University of Cartagena, the International University of La Rioja, and the Open University of Catalonia are the closest to 10% excellence leadership indicator.

The CYD Foundation report emphasizes the importance of companies and universities in driving R&D in Spain. Despite progress, there is still a long way to go to reach the average R&D investment of the EU and the OECD. Regional disparities and the need for greater participation from the public and private sectors will be crucial to strengthen Spain’s position in the field of research and development.

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