DXC Technology: Leader in IT services in Spain according to Whitelane Research and Eraneos study.

DXC Technology (NYSE: DXC), a leading global technology services company and part of the Fortune 500 list, has been recognized as one of the top technology consultancies in the 2023 IT Services Study, conducted by Whitelane Research and Eraneos, among the companies in the IBEX 35.

This study has positioned DXC Technology at the forefront in terms of customer satisfaction in two key areas: Digital Transformations, with an 87%, and Application Services, with an 84%. Additionally, DXC has received outstanding scores in Overall Satisfaction with an 83%, also excelling in Account Management (87%), Value for Money (79%), and Transformative Innovation (78%).

Commitment to Innovation and Service Excellence

Juan Parra, President of DXC for Spain and Portugal, expressed his gratitude and satisfaction with the results. “This privileged position in the Customer Satisfaction Study for the fifth consecutive year reflects the commitment and constant dedication of our team. It drives us to continue improving and offering innovative and effective solutions to meet the needs and challenges of our clients,” Parra stated.

Regarding DXC’s outstanding ratings in Digital Transformation and Application Services, Alex van den Bergh, Head of European Research at Whitelane, emphasized, “DXC’s strength lies in its ability to satisfy its customers. With 34 out of 35 customers satisfied to varying degrees, organizations can fully trust DXC to meet their expectations.”

Methodology of the 2023 Technology Services Study in Spain

The 2023 Technology Services Study in Spain, conducted by Whitelane Research in collaboration with Eraneos, analyzes over 875 technology services contracts in more than 280 of the leading companies and organizations across all sectors in Spain. This study evaluated the top 25 technology services providers, based on the opinions of their clients.

About DXC Technology

DXC Technology (NYSE: DXC) specializes in helping global enterprises manage their critical systems and operations, modernizing IT, optimizing data architectures, and ensuring security and scalability across public, private, and hybrid clouds. With decades of innovation, DXC is the trusted company for the world’s largest enterprises, delivering services that elevate new levels of performance, competitiveness, and customer experience.

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