Critical strategies to combat identity theft in Techcom.

The significant increase in cases of identity theft targeting executives and middle managers in the Information and Communication Technology (TECHCOM) sector has raised alarms. These attacks, which use means such as emails, WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger, Microsoft Teams, or phone calls, jeopardize the integrity of corporate data and assets, becoming a latent risk to our corporate security.

In the face of the sophistication of these fraud attempts, it is essential that all employees are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to identify and prevent possible impersonations.

Identification of Risk Signals

– Atypical Communication Patterns: An early alert is the receipt of communications that deviate from the usual channels and formats. This includes messages sent to personal email addresses or calls to private numbers. It is crucial to remember that current technology allows for the replication of voices with high fidelity, complicating the distinction between authentic and fake.

– Unexpected Contacts: If you do not normally interact with executives or middle managers, any sudden approach from them should be a cause for caution.

– Unusual Demands: Requests that stray from normal operations, such as unscheduled financial transfers, disclosure of confidential data, or abrupt changes in procedures, should be verified directly with the sender through secure channels, even if immediate action is requested.

Essential Preventive Measures

The key to protecting company information and assets lies in proactivity and caution:

– Exercise Vigilance: Adopt a critical attitude towards suspicious communications, especially if they suggest drastic changes or request sensitive information.

– Verify Extraordinary Requests: Before acting, make sure to validate any uncommon request with the requester, using official communication methods.

– Avoid Hasty Decisions: Rushing can be a fraud ally. When in doubt, take your time to consult with the company’s cybersecurity department.

– Report Suspicious Incidents: When facing doubtful situations or detecting impersonation attempts, it is vital to immediately notify the IT security team.

The collective effort and continuous education of all organization members are fundamental to building and maintaining a secure work environment against cyber threats. Prevention and quick response to identity theft attempts will allow us to successfully safeguard our data and critical systems.

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