Albert Belmonte, new EMEA Commercial Director of AIS Group.

AIS Group, the renowned Spanish consulting firm specializing in artificial intelligence, has announced a strategic move in its management team with the appointment of Albert Belmonte as Commercial Director for the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region.

Belmonte’s Career and Experience

Albert Belmonte, a graduate in Statistics from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a master’s in Business Intelligence from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, brings more than two decades of experience in the financial sector. With a distinguished and extensive career, Belmonte has served in the risk management areas of financial institutions worldwide. Before joining AIS Group, he held the position of Analytics & Consulting Manager at GDS Modellica.

Role and Expectations at AIS Group

In his new position as Commercial Director EMEA at AIS Group, Belmonte will take on key responsibilities in fostering strong commercial relationships and implementing strategies aimed at driving the company’s growth and expansion in the region. His vast experience and knowledge of the financial sector will be essential in achieving AIS Group’s commercial and strategic objectives.

About AIS Group

AIS Group is a prestigious consulting firm operating internationally, focused on creating value through data. Their focus on artificial intelligence, business intelligence, and advanced technologies has allowed them to develop decision support systems in various sectors. These systems range from forecasting and optimization to enterprise digital transformation, credit risk management, marketing, and the development of sociodemographic models.

Applications and Clients of AIS Group

AIS Group’s solutions have found applications in digital transformation of companies, risk management in the financial sector, marketing, and the development of smart cities, transforming data into strategic knowledge. With offices in Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Santiago de Chile, and Bogotá, their clients include major entities such as Grupo BBVA, Solvia, Banc Sabadell, CaixaBank Group, Aegon, and Auchan Retail Spain.

The appointment of Albert Belmonte symbolizes a step forward in AIS Group’s ambition to strengthen its presence and growth in the EMEA region. With his experience and skills, Belmonte is poised to take the company to new heights in an increasingly technology and data-driven market.

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