In the fast-paced world of generative artificial intelligence (AI), the digital giants, collectively known as GAFAM (Google, Amazon, Facebook, now Meta, Apple, and Microsoft), are in a frenzied race to dominate the technological future. Each of these colossi is deploying their strategy, based on key assets and unique advantages, in an attempt to reshape the market in their favor. Here, we analyze the cornerstone of each giant in this competitive landscape.
Microsoft: Microsoft’s strategy is perhaps the most transparent thanks to its alliance with OpenAI. This collaboration gives it a dual advantage: on one hand, it positions itself strongly in specific applications, such as Microsoft Copilot and functionalities for Office; on the other hand, it expands its offering on Azure by providing AI models (or GPT as a service). This strategic alliance puts Microsoft in a favorable position to lead the advance towards a future shaped by AI.
Google: Google, which could have capitalized on its partnership with Deepmind, is now driven by a different asset: distribution. The ability to integrate AI directly into Android devices without requiring additional downloads from the user represents a formidable differential asset. This focus on distribution evidences Google’s response to Microsoft’s moves, especially after the announcement of the Copilot app.
Amazon: The e-commerce giant has an unparalleled asset: the data of its customers stored in AWS. Amazon’s AI, built on this vast amount of information, offers its enterprise users an advantage that is difficult to replicate, even if Amazon’s AI solutions were not the best in the market.
Meta: Meta bets on a strategy based on open source, similar to its approach to infrastructure and its own cloud. Its main assets are user data and conversations, as well as its impressive distribution capability through its mobile app ecosystem. This approach puts Meta in a unique position to influence the use and perception of AI among the general public.
Apple: Traditionally cautious with new technologies, Apple stands out for its distribution capability, able to roll out new features to millions of users through its devices. In addition, the loyalty of its consumers, who see the brand almost as a religion, allows Apple to experiment and adapt with a margin of error that others would envy.
In this “technological chessboard,” we are barely witnessing the initial moves of a game that promises to redefine the digital landscape. Each digital giant is playing its cards with strategies that reflect its strengths and future vision, in an attempt to secure a prominent place in the era of AI. Like in any game of strategy, time will tell who will manage to be crowned as the undisputed king of the AI-driven digital world.
But we cannot forget that in this great game board, there are many smaller players who also have much to say with their AI strategies, as well as a multitude of infrastructure providers and data centers such as Oasix, Stackscale, and even major communications companies like Telefónica or Grupo Aire.