ADI Data Center Euskadi: Driving Digital Transformation from Bizkaia

The technological landscape of Euskadi is being transformed with the construction of the ADI Data Center Euskadi in Abanto, Bizkaia. This ambitious project, a result of the collaboration between Grupo Teknei, Euskaltel, Dominion, and the Basque Government, promises to be a catalyst for digital transformation for businesses and institutions in the Atlantic region.

The strategic location of the center in the Science and Technology Park of Bizkaia, on the Ezkerraldea – Meatzaldea campus, guarantees an environment conducive to innovation and development. The groundbreaking ceremony has been attended by important political and business figures, including Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu, marking the official start of the construction.

With a vision set on the future, the ADI Data Center Euskadi will not only offer advanced cloud storage capabilities, but will also play a crucial role in the economic and social development of the region. The infrastructure, expected to be operational by the first half of 2024, represents the first of several centers planned to be deployed in the region.

The ADI project, conceived in September 2022, has been designed to meet the highest standards of excellence, reliability, sustainability, and scalability. Seeking to attract both local and international technological operators, ADI is shaping up to be a key element in driving the digitalization of businesses and institutions in the Atlantic area.

The investment in the ADI Data Center promises to generate a significant economic impact on the Basque GDP, estimated at over 3 billion euros. This advanced technological infrastructure will not only facilitate the development of a digital ecosystem but will also boost job creation and foster innovation in critical sectors such as manufacturing, finance, and healthcare.

The ADI project is presented as an inclusive and open initiative, with the possibility of incorporating new partners in the future. Under the leadership of Alex Etxeberria, it guarantees expert and future-oriented management in the ICT sector.

At the heart of its offering, ADI will provide Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) complemented with a variety of platforms and services (PaaS and SaaS). This will allow ADI to adapt to the specific needs of its clients and collaborate with other members of the digital ecosystem, both locally and internationally.

Reliability and sustainability are fundamental pillars of ADI’s design, aiming to achieve TIER IV reliability and performance levels and LEED Platinum certification, reflecting its commitment to minimal environmental impact.

Furthermore, its privileged location in Euskadi, reinforced by infrastructure such as the Grace Hopper submarine cable, positions ADI as a hub in the overall European telecommunications infrastructure.

The data center industry in Spain is experiencing exponential growth, with a forecasted increase in capacity from 200 to 500 MW in the next two years. In this context, ADI stands out as a differential player in the Atlantic area, offering a unique and attractive value proposition for a wide range of clients, both in the private and public sectors.

In summary, the ADI Data Center Euskadi is a promising initiative that not only drives digital transformation in the Atlantic region but also establishes a model for sustainable development and technological innovation in the field of data centers and cloud computing.

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